NPD | Canada | Housing Advert TITLE: NPD | Canada | Housing AdvertROLE: MOTIOn GRAPHICS/Editor/Sound DESIGNCLIENT: New Democratic PARTY, CANADA. A 20-second animated video produced for the Canadian New Democratic Party (NDP/Nouveau Parti démocratique, NPD) for the 2021 election. The animation highlights the issues of rising housing costs and criticizes Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s reluctance to implement a taxation system […]
NPD | Canada | 2021 Election | “Billionaires”
TITLE: “BILLIONAIRES” 2021 | NDP ELECTION VIDEO ROLE:ANIMATION/MOTION GRAPHICS/Editor/Sound DESIGN/GRADINGCLIENT: New Democratic PARTY, CANADA. This is a 90-second animation I created for the New Democratic Party (NDP; Nouveau Parti démocratique, NPD) of Canada for their 2021 election campaign. Featuring Jagmeet Singh, the NDP’s leader since 2017, the video showcases his vision for a brighter future […]
2019 Labour Party Election Launch Video
TITLE: Labour Party ELECTION LAUNCH VIDEOROLE: DIRECTOR/EDITOR/SOUND DESIGN/MOTION GRAPHICSCLIENT: Labour Party In October 2019, I created the Labour Party Election Launch Video for that year. It highlighted Jeremy Corbyn’s accomplishments as the leader and outlined his transformative vision for the country. The video effectively showcased the negative impacts of Conservative policies since 2010 and presented […]
Diwali: Jeremy Corbyn/Hindu Temple.
TITLE: DIWALIROLE: DIRECTOR/DOP/EDITOR/GRADINGCLIENT: Jeremy Corbyn, LOTO. Diwali, known as the Festival of Lights, is a significant celebration across India, typically lasting five days. It represents the spiritual triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. The festivities are marked by vibrant decorations, elegant attire, and stunning lights adorning homes inside and out. The accompanying […]
15 Second Facebook Advert
TITLE: 15 SECOND FACEBOOK ADVERTROLE: MOTION GRAPHICS/Editor/Sound DESIGN/ANIMATIONCLIENT: Labour Party This advert, designed specifically for audiences aged 16-25, aims to boost membership and participation. It features footage from the 2020 Trump protests, illustrating the powerful change that results from collective action. The video has been shared on Facebook for wider reach.
Inspire: Art As Activism.
TITLE: INSPIRE: COLLABORATION WITH ANIMATOR KATE JESSOPROLE: MOTION GRAPHICS/Editor/Sound DESIGN/ANIMATIONCLIENT: SELF FUNDED I self-funded a project with animator Kate Jessop for the 2019 Election, aimed at inspiring artists from all genres to unite and use their creativity to imagine a more equitable and transformative society. The film was crafted using ‘found footage’, animations by Kate […]
Uganda Lodge
TITLE: UGANDA LODGE ROLE: MOTION GRAPHICS/Editor/Sound DESIGNCLIENT: UGANDA LODGE. Uganda Lodge is a volunteering programme based at Ruhanga Development School, calling for new volunteers and students to come and work directly with the local children and assist with community development. Uganda Lodge takes pride in the fact that it isn’t a charity, but instead, a […]
“I Can’t Breath”The Unlawful Death of Jimmy Mubenga. TITLE: “I CAN’T BREATH”:THE MURDER OF JIMMY MUBENGA ROLE: DOP/MOTION GRAPHICS/Editor/Sound DESIGNCLIENT: MIGRANTS ORGANISE Jimmy Mubenga, a healthy 46-year-old Angolan man, tragically died on 12 October 2010 as a result of being restrained face-forward in his seat by three G4S security guards on a British Airways flight from Heathrow airport to Angola. His final […]
Emily Sande “You Are Not Alone” | 2019 Labour Party Special
2019 LABOUR PARTY ELECTION VIDEO – “YOU ARE NOT ALONE” BY EMILY SANDE TITLE: EMILY SANDE “YOU ARE NOT ALONE” | 2019 Election Special.ROLE: DOP/Editor/Sound DESIGN/GRADINGCLIENT: Labour Party, UK. In 2019, I was involved in the creation of a Labour Party music video for Emeli Sandé’s song “You Are Not Alone”. Collaborating with Arun Chaudhary, former […]
“Let Them Play!” | Dettol Advertisement for Chinese Flu Season
TITLE: “LEt THEM PLAY” DETTOL TV ADVERTROLE: DOP/Editor/Sound DESIGN/GRADINGCLIENT: DETTOL, CHINA. I produced an advert for Dettol to promote handwashing during China’s flu season. This film, broadcast on Chinese terrestrial TV throughout the flu period, required sourcing a voice-over artist to effectively convey the message to the local audience. The campaign aimed to raise awareness […]